Save the world with a t-shirt? Maybe not the whole world, but your t-shirt purchase can be life-changing for someone.

Shirts Save offers a new t-shirt design quarterly, each addressing a new cause. Examples include solar powered lights for people without access to electricity, water filters to purify river water for drinking, wood-burning stoves so families no longer have to cook on open fires on the floor of their homes, and supplies to start family farms for both sustenance and livelihood. These things are surprisingly inexpensive, and you probably can’t imagine the joy they bring.

Our next design will be available August 2020 with proceeds to benefit Faith Comes by Hearing, a Christian organization that provides solar powered audio Bibles in 1,193 languages. Your t-shirt purchase will allow you to share the story of God with people in the most remote parts of the world.

We are 100% volunteer run and will donate 100% of the proceeds to this worthy cause.


Current Project


Who does it help?

All proceeds will go to Faith Comes by Hearing, an organization that offers solar powered New Testament Audio Bibles in 1,193 languages. Their goal is to reach people everywhere in the world. They’ve eliminated obstacles like lack of electricity, illiteracy, and language barriers. Their Every Church Every Village program equips ministry teams with a free Proclaimer audio Bible to leave behind after mission trips. This amazing tool provides thousands of hours of Bible listening, discussion, and discipleship.


Why this charity?

They’re passionate about the command in Matthew 28:19 to spread the Gospel to all the nations. More importantly, they do it well. They use mother language speakers for their recordings. When possible, they create multiple voice recordings to teach the Bible as a story, rather than simply a narration. Depending on the preferences of the people in a given language community, they can include music and sound effects to enhance the recordings. While they work to make the readings engaging, they deliver only the pure Word of God – nothing more and nothing less.


Can I make a difference?

You really can! One Proclaimer Audio Bible has the potential to spread God’s Word to a whole community as excited groups gather for the opportunity to study the Bible. Just because you don’t speak Abidji, Gwahatike, or Maskelynes doesn’t mean you can’t send the Word to people in Cote d’Ivoire, Papau New Guinea, or Vanuatu. You can help people find faith in Jesus! Buy your shirt today!


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